
Since 2014 I have been offering dog training and pet care services on Nantucket, Massachusetts through Girl Friday ACK, LLC.  In November 2021 I was delighted to expand my in-person service area to Vermont when I opened my facility Mountainside Mutts.  Online services continue to be available across the US & Europe.


From potty training problems and nuisance nipping or chewing, to pulling on leash and not coming when called. I'm here to help you overcome such puppy training challenges.

Service Dog Coaching

If you're one of the 26% of Americans living with a disability and contemplating a need for a service dog in your family, I want to help you raise the dog of your dreams.

New Trainer Mentoring

Starting out as a new dog trainer can be a lonely journey. But you don't need to feel all alone. If you're just beginning your new training career, I can be your virtual colleague. 
